Humans at the Cutting Edge of Robotic Surgery global meet picks 15 surgeons from India
Bengaluru: Fifteen eminent Robotic Surgeons from the Indian healthcare system have been invited to a global symposium in Miami with the theme ‘Humans at the Cutting Edge of Robotic Surgery’.
The symposium to be held on November 19, 2022 will be attended by participants from 20 countries.
Organized by Michigan-headquartered Robotic Surgery evangelist Vattikuti Foundation, the symposium will have over 100 specialist oncology surgeons representing the fields of Orthopaedics, Gastroenterology, Gynaecology, Urology, Head and Neck surgery sharing their experiences in performing successful cancer interventions and devising innovative procedures.
In addition to India, surgeons from Belgium, France, Greece, Italy, Spain, Turkey and the USA will present procedures created by them using the surgical robots as well as joint replacement.
These innovative procedures for soft tissue cancers and joint replacement surgeries will be assessed to generate new standards of care based on improved patient outcomes.
The highlight of the symposium will be a session on how surgical precision improves patient outcomes by Dr Mani Menon, Chief of Strategy and Innovation, Department of Urology, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York; Dr Alex Mottrie, Head of Urology, OLV Hospital, Aaist, Belgium, Dr Alberto Piana, Clinical Research Fellow, Fundacio Puigvert, Barcelona, Spain and Dr Ash Tewari, Professor and Chairman of Urology, Mount Sinai Hospital, New York.
Dwelling on the conference theme, Dr Mahendra Bhandari, CEO, Vattikuti Foundation and Director Robotic Research and Education, Vattikuti Urology Institute, Henry Ford Hospital, Michigan said, “While a surgical robot uses technology to improve patient outcomes several fold it is surgeons who continuously innovate to create procedures with better outcomes. This is precisely why the symposium presents an opportunity to learn from eminent robotic surgeons, we call ‘humans at the cutting edge of technology’.”
In keeping with the advances in technology there will be a session on the First Robotic Continuing Medical Education (CME) in Europe with Augmented Reality Tools by Dr Thalia Petropoulou, Colorectal Surgeon, Aretaieio University/Euroclinic, Athens, Greece.
This conference is special as Vattikuti Foundation chairpersons Raj and Padma Vattikuti, urologists Dr Mani Menon and Vattikuti Foundation CEO Dr Mahendra Bhandari will together for the first since featuring in the Smithsonian Museum of American History that recognizes the efforts of diverse organizations and individuals coming together to forge growth, prosperity and innovation to the United States and take it back to the country of their origin.
The winners of first K.S. International Robotic Surgery Innovation competition -- Dr Jihad Kaouk, Department of Urology, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio, USA; Dr Sandeep Nayak, Director, Surgical Oncology, Fortis Cancer Institute, Bengaluru and team of Dr Alberto Piana, Dr Paolo Verri, and Dr Alberto Breda of Oncology Urology and Kidney Transplant Surgery, Fundació Puigvert, Barcelona, Spain -- will be presented their cash awards.
Surgeons invited to present from South India include:
Dr Thadi Mohan, Consultant, Centre for Orthopedics, Amrita Hospitals, Kochi;
Dr Srinivas Ramchandran, Consultant, Meenakshi Mission Hospital and Research Centre, Madurai
Dr Kalayarasan Raja, Additional Professor and Head, Surgical Gastroenterology, JIPMER, Puducherry,
Dr Sandeep Nayak, Director, Department of Surgical Oncology, Fortis Cancer Institute, Bengaluru;
Dr Elroy Saldhana, Fellow, Manipal Hospital, Bengluru:
Dr Rooma Sinha, Professor of Gynecology & Fellowship Director, Apollo Health City, Hyderabad;
Presenting surgeons from Mumbai:
Dr Avinash Saklani, Associate Professor, Colorectal and Robotic Surgery, Tata Memorial Hospital,
Dr Santoshi Nagaonkar, Urologist, Sir H N Reliance Foundation Hospital and
Dr Preetam Dev, Associate Consultant in Robotic Surgery and Uro-Oncology, Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital.
Presenting surgeons from New Delhi:
Dr Rajeev Kumar, Professor of Urology and Associate Dean, AIIMS,
Dr Anant Kumar, Chairman, Urology and Renal Transplant, Max Super-Specialty Hospital,
Dr Sudhir Rawal, Medical Director and Chief of GenitoUro – Oncology Services, Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and
Dr Ashwin Mallaya, Sir Ganga Ram Hospital.
From Chandigarh: Dr Ravi Mohan Mavduru, Professor of Urology, PGI.
From Howrah: Dr Tarun Jindal, Uro-Oncologist, Nayarana Hospital.
Vattikuti Foundation's charter is to encourage excellence in robotic surgery by facilitating specialist surgeons to be trained to become accomplished robotic surgeons. Additionally, the Vattikuti Foundation provides access to a reservoir of digital training resources, conducts international seminars and live telecast of surgical sessions.
Robotic surgery brings precision in a surgical procedure which in turn adds tremendous value to patients requiring delicate surgeries throughout the body, especially where soft tissue and tumours are involved. Benefits of robotic surgery are driven by expedited patient recovery and improved patient outcomes. Hospitals also benefit by making available the hospital bed to another needy patient.
The Detroit-based Foundation has also awarded one-year Vattikuti fellowships to over 50 specialist surgeons with post-graduate qualifications in surgery. The Vattikuti fellows master robotic surgery under the mentorship of an experienced surgeon in a hospital as part of this fully-paid fellowship.
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