Author interview: Vijay Pratap Singh on his debut book Wet Petals IMAGE

Author interview: Vijay Pratap Singh on his debut book Wet Petals

by Trans World Features | @@twfindia 11 Jul 2018, 02:49 pm

So strong was the emotion that it took him eight years to put the thoughts to words, says author Vijay Pratap Singh

Congratulations on the release of 'Wet Petals'. Is this your debut as a writer?
Thanks so much. Yes, this is my debut as a writer.
Would you like to share with us about the subject and what led you to write this book?
One should read the book to understand the story. Human emotions are not just a few words or sentences. This book deals with intense human emotions and their interpretation is only possible when you progress from one word to the next. It took me eight years to put the thoughts to words. It’s just because I wanted exact words for each emotion and the imagination which my mind had. No compromise.
What promotion methods are you adopting to expand the reach of your book?
Word of mouth, social media like face book and not much. I am sure such a story has not been told in the past five to 10 years.
So far, how has been the response from your friends and family members?
Amazing, people could not believe I wrote this. I have dipped the pen in my blood to write this story.
What kind of books interest you as a reader?
I am choosy. I read stories with an emotional touch and self development, which makes one internalize. Some of my favorite books are 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey, Dalai Lama’s Cat, Tuesdays with Morrie, The Last lecture, The Alchemist , The five love languages by Chapman to name a few.