Book review: 'The Life Essentials' IMAGE

Book review: 'The Life Essentials'

by IBNS 29 Jan 2018, 12:55 pm

Power Publishers' newest title -- 'The Life Essentials' -- is an honest effort by first-time author Sathyan Segaran that might get you in life reboot mode.

A non-fiction self-help guide, the book consists of 50 chapters reflecting upon the aspects of life we call 'essentials'. 
As they say, 'eat, work, sleep, repeat' is what keeps life going, while the ancillaries are simply optional. 
Before we delve further into the details, the book offers 50 short chapters about whether to take life seriously or not. 
Re-living episodes from teenage to adulthood, the chapters have been made interesting and informative. 
Now, you might have lived through them or still are but you might wanna sit back and evaluate the things you are yet to tick off the list. 
The things that make our life simple and peaceful in the most basic and therefore underrated way, has been explained through pictures and simple to-do lists wherever necessary. 
The language is simple and communicates with the readers. 
However, what really keeps the mood going is how the author makes us see everything through a positive glass.  
If you are going through a low mood for some time now, you might want to grab a copy of the book and feel some light to get you hopping back on the tracks.  
The book priced at Rs 400 is currently available at and ebay.
(Reviewed by Anupriya Dutta)
Image: Power Publishers website