Nature is her inspiration says Krishna Panda, author of Between You And Me IMAGE

Nature is her inspiration says Krishna Panda, author of Between You And Me

by IBNS 27 Jan 2018, 01:41 pm

Krishna Panda talks about her inspiration, her creative pursuits and about her recently published book.

Congratulations Ms Krishna Panda on the release of ''Between You and Me''. Where does this book fit into a career as a writer?

Well writing has always been a passion for me. Something I would say that comes naturally to me and effortlessly flows from my pen. Whether it is poetry or a story or a thought, I love to paint them with words. The book "Between You and Me" contains a selection of my poems I have written over the years . Definitely this book provides me with an impetus to take up writing seriously as I never thought my years of penning poems hitherto could actually shape into a book. So like they say, all big journey begins with one small step, this book will be my first small step to the world of literature and creativity I am so passionate about. Having said that, more than a career, I honestly feel my writing is what makes me to live life and experience and observe finer nuances of life, emotions and relationships deeply, intricately and profoundly. 
What influenced this book?
What can be more influential and inspirational than "Love" and "Nature"! Between You and Me is a journey of a lover in quest of the beloved through the path of Love. The emotions a lover feels, experiences and goes through are painted and merged with the hues of nature in this book. For my readers, I have made an honest attempt to make them connect with my poems. I am sure and I can vouch at least there will be one such poetry in "Between You and Me" which will take the readers on a walk through their memorabilia of love and their heart will echo, "Ah Poetry." Such is the power of Love everyone can resonate with.  As about me, I write in Almighty's glory. Every single poetry is a rendition to Him as I believe only the path of love can make me discover God.
When did you realize you were a writer?
Frankly speaking, I consider myself to be a scribbler. Anyways, thanks to the social media, this world has become such a small place where you can have access to everyone. I was lucky enough to get in touch with some renowned professors of literature who themselves are very well established writers. I then slowly started posting some of my poems on Facebook. It came as a surprise when they all started appreciating my writings and boosted my confidence by explaining how my metaphors and similes are dot on point in expressing emotions. It is then I thought to take up writing seriously and evolve as a writer. That's how the journey began.
Tell us about your process: Pen and paper, computer and notebooks. How do you write?
Ah, I write mostly on the canvas of my mind at night which disappears when I wake up. For a writer, emotion flows. Whether it is a plain sheet of paper, computer, tab, notebooks or a tissue paper, she can pen anywhere. Like I mentioned earlier, writing for me is an effortless job because this is what I love to do and that which you love, comes naturally to you. But yes, I am a nature inspired poet. Sometimes it's a twilight or a moonlit aura, most times its rain or breathing silence, a far stretched sky , they all weave in beads to form a poetry. 
What kind of readership are you expecting?
You want your heart to talk to you, you want to chuckle along with your heart, you want to travel back in time, you want love to do the talk, you want to witness how emotions dress up in nature's hues, you want to feel the tinkles of romance, those stories that your tears could never say, those letters you thought of writing but could never write and much beyond, this book is for you. It will rather be the other way round. For every reader, "Between You and Me" promises to meet your expectations.