There is a lot of me in Grace, says debutante author Supreeta Singh Image

There is a lot of me in Grace, says debutante author Supreeta Singh

by Trans World Features 13 Jun 2018, 10:09 pm

In a conversation with Arundhati Gupta, Public Relations professional Supreeta Singh talks about her debut novella Grace, published by Partridge India.

Grace will be launched on June 19 at the Astor Hotel. It is a fictionalised romantic narrative told through an overnight conversation between the two lead characters—Kavita and Rana, who meet by chance in Pune. 

Kavita shares the story of four of her romantic relationships. During this conversation, she finds a friend in Rana, who is already infatuated with her. Through their night long conversations, they discover and unravel their own feelings. But will that lead to another love story?’s what she said 

Why did you choose to write a quick read as a debut novel?

Grace is a fast-paced novella which is meant to catch the readers’ attention from the very first page. Set in today’s world, the book has been written in a manner that brings out the essence of the relationships on which the story is based. Essentially told in a conversational style it is fast paced and colloquial. I did not want to make it too complicated because it is meant to feel like a companion and not a philosophical tome on love. We have enough of that!

Why did you title it GRACE?

The main protagonist, Kavita has gone through a lot in her life. During the four phases of her life, she encounters four men who impact her life deeply leaving indelible impressions on her mind and heart. While narrating the stories to Rana, she unknowingly purges her emotions out of her system that had remained locked within her. She decides to move on. So for me, while writing the book, it evolved into a place where no concrete answers or judgement or realisation was necessary. The simplicity of ‘letting go’ became the essence of the book. That’s how I decided to call it Grace–a graceful act of surrender without analysing the script of life.

How much of 'Supreeta’ is there in the book?

There is a lot of me in Grace, and a lot of others too! We live in an age and time when relationships cannot be put in a box. We – both women and men – experience various facets of love in different situations through different relationships. We name them best friend, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband and wife to ease the rules of the relationships. But there are so many grey and undefined areas in all our lives. Grace is a book for everyone because there is a bit of everyone in the stories.

What next... a romance or a thriller?

My next book Bani, will be a captivating family drama and it will be a combination of romance and a mystery. Bani  has all the ingredients for a fabulous read. I cannot reveal much at this moment but I am sure my readers will love it.

You are a busy PR professional...when do you sit down to write?

I have realised that when you really want to do something, you just do it. You are compelled to do it. You cannot help yourself but do it! I had to find time and I did. I must say it was not easy but you just learn to balance both.

Five years from now...Supreeta the PR Consultant or Supreeta the award-winning writer?

Right now, I can only think of continuing with both. My work as a publicist gives me a lot of joy, keeps me in touch with reality and helps me to earn my living. As a writer, I am always free to wonder and wander.