What happened to 10/3 Rash Behari Avenue? IMAGE

What happened to 10/3 Rash Behari Avenue?

by IBNS 12 Dec 2017, 10:20 am

When remembering houses that impressed us deeply as children, that may have made us wonder whether we werent born in the wrong century, we cant help and wonder, is it still there?

Well, in this story, '10/3 Rash Behari Avenue', Nilanjana Roy Chowdhury will make you see it all.
10/3 Rash Behari Avenue is a story of one of those palatial houses, which once adorned the city of Kolkata. 
The story of the house revolves around a Bengali Brahmin, Gour Mohan whose children defiled all the values he stood for. 
Once again Power Publishers brings forth a new and evocative story of a house that fights backs for its own survival. The house that tells the tale and is reflecting just one thing ‘Change’. 
This book is told with such intelligence, clarity and grace it makes you wonder why no one has written a book like it before. 
The best part of this book is that it has taken something enormously complex and broken it down into terms that are simple, direct and human, seeking always to find what is universal in a particular experience. 
This book would surely stand out in the crowd as it is one of a kind.
It reads like a novel – not a thriller with startling twists of the plot, but an old-fashioned narrative that proceeds chapter by chapter, toward a conclusion that comes as no surprise but that still brings a sense of deep pleasure. 
(Reviewed by Poonam Chatterjee)