
We need to change laws for rapid metamorphosis of India : PM Modi

by IBNS 25 Aug 2016, 11:58 pm

New Delhi, Aug 26 (IBNS) : Calling for a rapid metamorphosis of the country, and not a "gradual evolution," Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday said there is need to change laws to speed up the process.

"If India is to meet the challenge of change, mere incremental progress is not enough. A metamorphosis is needed. That is why my vision for India is rapid transformation, not gradual evolution," Modi said while launching NITI Aayog lecture series,  'Transforming India' at the Vigyan Bhawan.

He said the changes the country need to cope up with the changing time and people's aspirations,require a change in mindset rather than the old administrative systems.

"A transformation of governance cannot happen without a transformation in mindset and a transformation in mindset cannot happen without transformative ideas," he said. 

"We have to change laws, eliminate unnecessary procedures, speed up processes and adopt technology. We cannot march through the 21st century with the administrative systems of the 19th century," Modi  said.

"Younger generation in India is thinking and aspiring so differently, that government can no longer afford to remain rooted in the past," he added.

The  PM  said the change has to be for both external and internal reasons. 

"Thirty years ago, a country might have been able to look inward and find its own solutions. Today, countries are inter-dependent and inter-connected. No country can afford any longer to develop in isolation. Every country has to benchmark its activities to global standards, or else fall behind," he said.

"As individuals, we may absorb new ideas by reading books or articles. Books open the windows of our minds. However, unless we brainstorm collectively, ideas remain confined to individual minds," he said.

"We will draw the best from the wisdom and knowledge of eminent persons, who changed, or influenced change in the lives of many, to make their nation a better place on the planet," Modi said.
He sought  "detailed and frank feedback" from all attending the lecture to help improve the process of transformation.
Almost all the cabinet Ministers of Modi's Government were present at the programme.