Big Break Entertainment becomes franchise license holder for the Miss Globe International 2015" for India image

Big Break Entertainment becomes franchise license holder for the Miss Globe International 2015" for India

by IBNS 28 Aug 2015, 12:54 am

Mumbai, Aug 28 (IBNS) Big Break Entertainment on Friday said it has become franchisee license holder for the Miss Globe International 2015" for India.

 Miss Globe International, 89- year- old coveted pageant founded in 1925, run and  controlled by Rasim Aydin under RCA Global Entertainment Co. Turkey.

Big Break Entertainment will be responsible for sending the delegate referred as Miss Globe India’ for India representation to Turkey.

Former Miss Universe and  actress Sushmita Sen’s I AM SHE’ & Tantra Entertainment used to send the delegate to Miss Globe International previously informed Anil Sharma founder & CEO of Big Break Entertainment.

 An exclusive opportunity to compete between 100 plus participant countries:

Big Break is organizing the regional auditions across 8 cities of India to select the best candidate not only for the country representation but to win accolades at the international platform.

The regional selection would lead to the National casting further, to be held at Chandigarh, the city beautiful.

The jury would consist of the founder & CEO of Big Break Entertainment Anil Sharma, Director PR & Ventures of Big Break Seema Sharma other than the famous & prominent names from the fashion & modeling industry to be declared.

The in-house choreographers and mentors will prepare and guide the participants for the final selection of the national level and for the Miss Globe International later.