Kolkata to witness the AHSIs House Plant Show 2016 image

Kolkata to witness the AHSIs House Plant Show 2016

by IBNS 11 Nov 2016, 05:22 am

Kolkata, Nov 11 (IBNS): The Agri Horticultural Society of India (AHSI), founded in 1820 and pioneered Agricultural and Horticultural Shows in the country is organizing House Plant Show-2016 from Nov 10 to 13 jointly with the Department of Food Processing Industries & Horticulture, Govt. of West Bengal and in collaboration with National Horticulture Board, Govt. of India.

This is a promotional event aimed at mainly popularizing growing of House Plants as open space for gardens in cities is dwindling.

The importance of house plants has become greater in the present age as people spend more time and money in beautifying homes, hotels, shops, malls etc.

It is a comprehensive event where visitors will see attractive Genus, Species and varieties of a plethora of House Plants.

They will get enthralled by beauties of such plants exhibited by competitors.

School children are motivated to compete more and more in these shows and also join in debates and seminars of topical interest so that they develop love for horticultural and environment in particular.
The Agri-Horticultural Society of India (AHSI) attempts to make available more and more house plants and bring all growers, vendors and customers under one roof.

A special effort is being made in bringing about awareness on the importance of herbal and medicinal plants which can be grown as House Plants also.

The Society has started in getting some assistance from Medicinal Plant Board, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare ,Govt. of West Bengal and Urban & recreational Forestry, Dept. of Forest ,Govt. of West Bengal to make it a successful event. There is, however, much greater scope and opportunity in collaborating with Government Agencies.

The exhibition would be inaugurated by Janab Abdur Razzak Molla, Hon’ble MIC – Deptt. Of Food Processing & Industries, Govt. of West Bengal.

Sumit Mazumder, President of ASHI, said: "The House Plant show is being organized to create a common roof for all the vendors, growers and customers and also to create awareness about the importance of herbal and medicinal plants which can also be grown as house plants."


On  Nov 10, there will be an inauguration ceremony followed by the prize distribution of Summer Garden Competition from 3.00 p.m. onwards.

 On the second day of the flower show, there will be an Inter School Debate Competition (Motion: Protection of Wetland is only way for conservation of Nature) from 10:30 a.m.onwards where students would be participating, at H.B.K. Exhibition Hall.

 On the third day, a seminar on the Topic: ‘Importance of Greenery in Urban Areas’ at H.B.K. Exhibition Hall will be held.

 A Special Section in the competition give scope for participants to simulate a room in a given 10’ X 10’ area, after designing the room it is decorated with House Plants for people to visualize how plants can enhance the beauty of a room.

 On the final day of the event on Sunday, Cmde Suprobho K. De, NM Naval Officer In-Charge, as Chief Guest on the Prize Distribution Ceremony at 4.00 p.m. will be held at The Main lawn of the Society.