
Minnesota man, family left heart broken after police fatally shoot bride-to-be

by IBNS 17 Jul 2017, 09:56 pm

Minneapolis, Jul 18 (JEN): A Minneapolis man was left devastated after police fatally shot his bride-to be, reports said.

The incident took place on Saturday, sparking a widespread criticism.

The state Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) reported that two officers responded to a 911 call and one of them fired their weapon, striking the woman fatally on her abdomen.

BCA is investigating the incident.

A BCA statement on Jul 16 read: "The BCA’s investigation is in its very early stages. More information will be available once initial interviews with incident participants and any witnesses are complete. That work is underway, but will not be complete today."

"The officers’ body cameras were not turned on at the time and the squad camera did not capture the incident. Investigators are attempting to determine whether any video of the incident exists.

When the investigation is complete, the BCA will turn its findings over to the Hennepin County Attorney’s Office for review," the statement added.

The victim has been identified as Justine Maia Ruszczyk, 40, an Australian yoga instructor and personal health-and-life coach.

She also taught meditation.

Speaking about his fiancee's death, Don Dammond said, "She touched so many people with her loving and generous heart. She was a teacher to so many and living a life of openness, love, and kindness. Our lives are forever changed as a result of knowing her. She was so kind and so darn funny. ... It is difficult to fathom how to go forward without her in my life."

Following her death, the victim's stepson, Zach, took to social media to vent ire against the police.

"Basically, my mom's dead because a police officer shot her for reasons I don't know," he said.

"I demand answers. If anybody can help, just call the police and demand answers. I'm so done with all this violence," he said, "America sucks. These cops need to get trained differently. I need to move out of here."

Condoling the incident, Minneapolis mayor Betsy Hodges said in a statement she was "heartsick and deeply disturbed by what occurred last night".