Scholarship from Colgate helps a budding footballer move closer to his dreams IMAGE

Scholarship from Colgate helps a budding footballer move closer to his dreams

by IBNS 27 Jul 2017, 12:03 am

Kolkata, Jul 27 (IBNS): Talha Sahedar Rahaman, a six-year old from Howrah in West Bengal, took a step closer to his aspiration of becoming a footballer, as the latest recipient of Colgate Scholarship Offer.

Rahaman, whose father works as a delivery man, will attend a football coaching class with the scholarship.
Said Rahaman's father, “The scholarship money helped us in a big way. Talha dreams to be a footballer and win medals for his country. With this scholarship money I will now be able to enrol him in football coaching classes. I would like to thank Colgate for being there at a time when I needed help for my child’s future.”
Colgate-Palmolive (India) Limited,  a leader in the oral care business, instituted the annual Colgate Scholarship Offer in 2009.
Eric Jumbert, Director, Marketing, Colgate-Palmolive (India) Limited said, “Colgate initiatives aim at offering children and their families a future they can smile about. Through the Colgate Scholarship Offer, we try to make a small yet meaningful contribution to the lives of Indian families. On behalf of Colgate I would like to congratulate Talha for winning the scholarship and wish him every success.”