The 9 essential skills of Human Resource Management: How many do you have?  IMAGE

The 9 essential skills of Human Resource Management: How many do you have?

by IBNS 12 Dec 2017, 11:12 pm

Weve seen, read, heard, mocked, prepared and attended multiple HR interviews in our career, didnt we? Remember the tough interviews you had to face? And tricky questions that made you mumble?

Let’s turn the tables now. How would be the interviews for the HR crew? They would certainly go through a severe selection process to reach to the position. Also, the HR management as a whole should be equipped with certain skills to shine in the role.


Are you someone who is planning ahead to join the human resource management crew? It’s high time you need to introspect your skills! In this quick read, we list out the nine must-have skills that will make the HR management the efficient workforce. You can also check out courses offered in HR Management by Talentedge to build your skillset in this domain.


Experts in multi-tasking


Consider a typical work day of the people in HRM. They are expected to switch their attention from personal issue of an employee to recruiting process to a critical job role.


Every job they do is very important to someone or the other. Hence, there is no way they can be sluggish in any of the job responsibilities.


Obviously, multitasking should be one of the must-have skills for an HR management in any organisation. 


The skill of organising


HR management is a process to manage people together in the organisation. Apparently, HR management are destined to deal with the careers and life of the workforce. Hence, it’s very important for you to exhibit high organizational skills. 


You should be able to understand the team dynamics and work accordingly. Also, HR management as a whole calls for an orderly approach.


The art of negotiation


At the end of the day, HR managers are people who deal with different types of negotiation in the workplace. From dealing with a grumpy employee to solving the conflict between two others, negotiation skills are a must for a HR manager.


Mostly, the HR manager is expected to find a solution that makes both the involved parties happy. Not an easy task many times! So start developing your negotiation skills right away!


Able to communicate


Communication forms the core of a successful human resource management. Period! Not only oratory skills, they should be able to put down words properly and effectively for memos and handbooks.


 As a HRM employee, you should be an expert in one-to-one communication as well as talking to a group. The communication tone should be compassionate with employees while convincing with the executive management.


A motivational push


Sometimes, the journey gets tough for the employees, and the HR managers should be skilled enough to motivate them to get back to the track. They should be recognised and appreciated to perform better.  AHubspot survey points out that 78% of employees said being recognized motivates them in their job.


Also, they should be able to carry out employee engagement programs. As pera survey, companies who have formalized employee engagement programs have 26% higher annual revenue growth than those who don’t have formalized engagement programs. And employee disengagement costs more than $500 billion per year to the U.S. economy.


Ethical and discrete


It might seem a tough task. But HR managers have no escape from it. You need to be compassionate with the employees while carrying out the management policies and regulations.


And you will be the store-keepers of certain confidential information related to the organization. So, you are expected to show more dedication and ethics towards the work actually.


Ability to deal with tough times


One fine morning you may get confused after a surprise mail from an employee on sexual harassment she faced from a senior executive in the office. It can be discrimination sometimes or dealing with an employee who skips work often. 


No way you can avoid such difficult mails. All you can do is be prepared to face such situations and get expert support at the right time.


Executing change management


We live in times of fast-paced changes in every domain. And organisations are forced to carry out change management in their structure and functioning to ensure better efficiency as per the changing requirements.


The people in the HR crew take up the crucial task of ensuring smooth change management process in the organisation. That itself is a skill you need to develop.


Problem solving skills


Finally, last one, but not the least important, is problem solving skills. You need to deal with people from different backgrounds. And everyone won’t get along with others very well in the office. Hence, the HR manager has to often put in work their problem-solving skills.


That being pointed out, HR management skills are not final here. There’re more on the way and you can enrol into an online course of certificate programs to get the basics right of HR management. Head to for more such courses and build your skills in the HR domain.