EZCC organizes year end music and dance festival Image

EZCC organizes year end music and dance festival

by Trans World Features | @twfindia 29 Jan 2019, 02:07 am

Kolkata, Jan 15: Eastern Zonal Cultural Centre (EZCC) organized Parv Bharatiyam, a festival of dance and music in late December 2018.

The festival is a three-day affair stretching from Dec 24 to Dec 26.


The first day of the festival featured classical dance recitals of Odissi Artist, Dona Ganguly, and troupe. Manipuri artist Bimbabati Devi also performed dance recitals along with her troupe.


Eminent vocalists, Dhananjay Hegde and Pt. Venkatesh Kumar, graced the stage with their classical musical recitals.



A ‘Sarod and Sitar Jugalbandi’ featuring Shri Abhisek Lahiri and Ustad Rafique Khan was also performed.


The last day of the ‘Parv Bharatiyam’ festival saw some folk dances and songs of different Indian states.


The Kalbelia dance, which is an integral part of the Rajasthani culture was performed, Bhaval and Chakri (folk dance of the Kanjar tribe) were also showcased.


Folk dances of West Bengal were featured such as the semi-classical dance with martial arts called Chhau and other folk dances and songs like Raibenshe and Baul were also showcased. Folk dance of Karnataka and Sambalpur were also featured.


(Reporting by Meghna Dunbar)