Author Interview: Soumajoy Majumder talks about his Bengali book named 'Ramdhanu O Aaro Ekti' Image

Author Interview: Soumajoy Majumder talks about his Bengali book named 'Ramdhanu O Aaro Ekti'

by Trans World Features | @twfindia 30 Apr 2021, 04:35 am

Soumajoy Majumder delves into fragments of real events, rumors, realizations, feelings, to pen this volume of Bengali short stories

Please tell us something about your book. Are your stories built around a common theme?


This is a collection of eight short stories based on different themes such as sports, adventure, crime, war, spiritual, ghost, psychology and romance.


In the first story Overcut, the plot relates to a boxer who gets his opportunity to express his skills and rise above ruins. Another story named Comrade, deals with struggle for freedom through war. The romantic story is an abstraction of platonic love. Each story is different in theme and outcome.


Please tell us about yourself. How did you become interested in writing?


I am an Engineer and MBA, working as Cat II Officer in a Central govt. PSU. Fond of sports, astrology, palmistry, Buddhism and literature.


My father, being a writer, is a big inspiration for me. Used to writing in English and Bengali since I was a student.


Is this your first book? Or have there been other books before this?


Actually, this is my second book; first one is in English, named Five Deductions, published by White Falcon Publishing House.


Who are your favorite authors and name some of your favorite books.


My favorite authors are Rabindranath Tagore, Saratchandra Chattopadhyay, Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay, Satyajit Ray, Sanjeeb Chattopadhyay, Arthur Conan Doyle, Saradindu Bandopadhyay, Agatha Christie, Dan Brown, Paulo Coelho, Pritam Basu and so on.


Who inspires you to write? From among people around you? Also, which authors inspire you and whose writing styles you love to follow?


The biggest inspiration is of course my father. He guides me to write in unique style and theme. My mother makes fair copies of my writing. My childhood friends Soumen, Anirban are huge motivators. My colleagues are in awe of my writing endeavor.


I try not to be inspired by writing style by any author. Wish I could express myself like Rabindranath Tagore or Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay.


Your father is also an author. Please tell us about him and his books.


My father Satyajit Majumder takes a lot of pain in researching before writing his books. He relates well with young minds. He intrigues them with his style and theme. But few know he is actually a very good poet too.


His books are Romanchokor, Jibonto, Robot, Tamosik, Amazon Rahasyo, Kongo Dwiper Bivishikaa.


Are any of your stories inspired by real incidents or real people you have come across?


My stories are result of a lot of fragments, of real events, rumors, realizations, feelings.