Ruskin Bond meets his young and adult readers at STORY in Kolkata IMAGES

Ruskin Bond meets his young and adult readers at STORY in Kolkata

by IBNS 28 Jan 2016, 12:43 am

Kolkata, Jan 28 (TWF): Ruskin Bond, the famous author, met with his young and adult readers at the STORY bookstore in Kolkata and shared his thoughts on writing.

Ruskin Bond, the Indian author of British descent, now a resident of Landour, Mussoorie, who was in Kolkata in January-end, met with his readers at the STORY, the landmark book-store on Elgin Road.
Bond, who has moved easily between genres in his long literary career, from children's stories, short stories, poems, fiction, short stories, novella, etc., has a strong fan following in Kolkata as was evident at the STORY on Jan 24 evening.
Readers of all age groups, young children to adults, flocked to the book-store to interact with their favourite author. Bond eagerly answered their questions and discussed about his books.
Bond's books, of which STORY has quite a collection, viz. The Blue Umbrella, The Room on the Roof, Ghost stories from the Raj, Cherry Tree, etc. --.flew off the shelves, as nearly everyone wanted his or her own copy autographed by the author.
The ever-pleasant author did not refuse to sign the umpteenth copy or pose for pictures and even smiled into the phone cameras as visitors jostled for a selfie with him.
STORY,which claims to be eastern India’s largest standalone book-store, covering an area of 15,000 sq feet, a dedicated floor for children.There are four STORY outlets in West Bengal. 
They are in Elgin Road; Diamond Plaza Mall, Nager Bazar; Avani River Side Mall, Howrah and Junction Mall, Durgapur. STORY also helps students of Future Hope, an NGO in Kolkata that provides home and school for street children, by training them at various stores during summer internship. It also raises funds and donates books, gifts and toys to various charity organisations.
Image: Ruskin Bond signing books at the STORY book-store in Kolkata