I want to own a big garden NIL

I want to own a big garden

by Trans World Features (TWF) 21 Apr 2014, 07:35 am

Arjun Kapoor loves to do his little contributions towards Mother Nature be it in the form of being the Brand Ambassador of Earth Hour 2014 or by planting trees. TWF correspondent Sreya Basu in conversation with the actor in Mumbai

Do you think people tend to give more attention to youth icons like you when you talk about saving the environment?


Being chosen as a youth icon always feels good. It is good to know that somebody is getting influenced by what I do. This is important because then I can create an impression in people’s mind that will make a change to the world, to our country, to our thought process.    


What made you become the Brand Ambassador of Earth Hour 2014?


Besides being a star, being a citizen of the country I would like to leave behind a brighter future for my children, my family and it starts with doing things like this.


Is there a pledge that you yourself has taken as a person?


Yes, I will plant as many plants and trees as possible. That was something that my mother (Mona Kapoor) was doing during her lifetime. I would continue doing that. My sister (Anshula Kapoor) also does that both inside (our house) and outside.


Do you have a garden of your own?


I would like to have a big garden and look after it. I know, it sounds as if I am retiring, but that’s what I have in mind. I always had this thing that it is impossible to have a garden in a place like Mumbai. However, we have a small terrace garden where we have planted quite a few plants.    


What about saving water?


We tend to undermine the importance of water. We realize the value of water when we go to small towns.


Are you into saving water?


Well, I do … we all do, subconsciously. Like I turn off the tap while brushing my teeth, I try to take shower as quickly as possible to save water.


Do you actually think that stars can make people more aware?


Look, be it saving electricity or water or reducing pollution by planting trees, the awareness has to come from within. I can do my part in form of taking pledges and trying to influence people. But I can’t force them to do it. The responsibility should come from within. But definitely, I would keep reminding them where we are heading and what difficult situation lies ahead us.


Coming to films, you changed yourself from fat to fab. Now, if required for a certain character in a film, will you put on weight again?


I know we as actors are required to transform ourselves according to character’s demand. But I would not want to put on weight for any role as I know how difficult it is for me to lose weight. Some people are really lucky. They don’t put on weight even if they keep on eating. Or, they lose weight very quickly. But it’s not easy for a person like me. I want to go fitter and fitter. I don’t want to put on even a little bit of weight.